There’s more to us than a friendly phone voice or email signoff. Check out the video below to meet some of our employees and get a look at our manufacturing plant.
We’ve Grown (In More Ways Than One)
In 2003, Versa Pak opened our first 24,000-square-foot manufacturing warehouse in Celina, Ohio.
Since then, we’ve gone through several expansions to a total of four warehouses and multiple custom manufacturing lines.
Watch the video below to get an inside look at our manufacturing plant and then contact us to see it in person.
Schedule Your Visit to Our Custom Manufacturing Plant
Because we’ve grown a lot in these last few years, we’d like to invite you to visit us in person so you can see our capabilities for yourself.
When you’re here, we’ll walk you through the order process from start to finish. You’ll also meet our customer service team, explore all of our testing and research capabilities in our in-house lab, and walk through our manufacturing plant.
Plus, we’ll show you our expanded warehousing space and new co-ex lines, as well as the training room where our new and current employees stay up-to-date on the latest plastic packaging technologies and certifications.
We’d love to show you around our facility. Click below to contact us to schedule your visit.