
Four new silos for resin arrive at Versa Pak as part of our latest growth and expansion project.
Versa Pak is excited to announce ground will break this spring on a 34,000-square-foot warehouse addition.
“Our latest addition allows us to continue to add more lines and support more products for our customers,” President Michael Brunswick says.
Within the last 10 years, we have undergone six expansion projects and grown from 25,000 total square feet to more than 110,000 square feet today.
Our facility now includes a 36,000-square-foot warehouse and 74,000 square feet of manufacturing space, along with the new warehouse addition to come. To support our continued growth, we have also added four new silos to bring us to 28 total silos for resin supply.
“It’s been an exciting time for us as we continue to grow and provide new products and innovations for distributors,” Sales Manager Jeff Knapke says. Two new printers with the latest technology also have been added to production capabilities.
The new warehouse is planned to be complete in July, just shortly after operations kick off on a new 5-Layer Co-Ex Line. The 5-layer technology will provide us expanded properties and qualities in plastic film production, putting distributors in a better position for what end-users want now and into the future.
With our current 3-Layer Co-Extrusion Line, our Co-Ex blends are engineered, manufactured, quality tested and shipped all right here from our production and warehouse facility.