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Distributor Spotlight: BGR and Versa Pak


BGR is the number one packaging distributor in Ohio and the surrounding four states. They’ve served the area since 1972. And for more than 30 years since then, BGR has teamed up with Versa Pak for success.

Versa Pak: BGR’s Largest Single Supplier

Bill Lucken, chief sales officer for BGR, said Versa Pak has been a BGR partner “forever.” Lucken said Versa Pak is also BGR’s largest single supplier of poly bags and films.

Of those poly products, Lucken estimated that 75 percent are custom-designed by Versa Pak.

“We contact them, then they walk through various possible solutions. Size, shape, thickness…all these different things, maybe a thousand variations. But they…provide fantastic service and the pricing is fair, always fair,” he said. 

He added, “You can place an order with Versa Pak and forget about it.” 

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Exceptional Customer Service

Lucken said there are several reasons he appreciates working with Versa Pak.

“First and foremost is integrity. They do what they say they’re going to do, and they can be counted on to keep their promise. The second thing is their technical expertise is good, and the customer service team is excellent,” he said. 

When asked if he would recommend Versa Pak to other distributors, Lucken joked that he wouldn’t – because he wanted to keep them all to BGR.

“We appreciate their willingness to step up and do whatever it takes,” he said. 

BGR’s customer orders can sometimes hit snags and need some additional service. For those moments, Lucken said Versa Pak goes above and beyond.

“They just smile and they do whatever they can to keep up with unexpected customer demand, and time and time again they come through for us,” he said.

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